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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Howdy Y'all!

So, I came in from some rat-killin' [the figure of speech, not the rats] and I checked my email and I discovered that I have been given an award!   kcinnova awarded me for my optimistic take on life!  That's grand!  That is really, really grand!
And, to think on my way home I was thinking about how lucky I am!
I'm going to drool and smooj over it awhile.  And, then, when the new wears off a little?  I'll maybe do some re-gifting. :-)  Well, not "mine," but one for some of you others out there -- just to spread the buttery, cheer!
It'nt it cute!  Lil'Princess cupcake! [ Oooh, that would be a neat thing to make!  Lil'Gal would love those!!!]
She also took the time to remind us that October is breast cancer awareness month.  You know?  I was half way listening to Martha Stewart while scrambling through the house to get my morning chores done before heading out and she caught my eye, by showing some really cool stuff.
Okay.  It was the Kitchen Aid Stand Alone Mixer that got my attention.  It was white (I love white -- it always looks so clean, so long as you clean it!) and it had a light pink stripe around the middle of the mixer head.  They are donating $40.00 of each sale of one of these to a breast cancer research!
She showed some other cute, pink gadgets that were doing the same thing.  But, my eye was glued to the mixer.
Anyhow, my Mom is a survivor too.  She didn't have to go the chemo route and all that.  She had lumps and they had to take them ALL out.  And, that was that -- thank goodness.  Though, it did reduce her from perky (she was in her late 20s at the time) D cup beauties to a tiny A cup.   And, she is "A-Okay "with that.
I'm going to put this button on my side bar too.  Somewhere.  And, my award [squeeee tis' me!] too!
Happy Hump-Diggity!!!!



Unknown said...

"Tiny A cup."


Gee . . . thanks for the reminder.


Gary's third pottery blog said...

you deserve to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought it looked like Barbie stuck in a cupcake. *grin*
