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Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Howdy All, Just a quick blip about a book I reviewed. Since the book, Dudley's Solo, is a children's book I chose to post the review at my Grow Together page (the parenting network/social site for Root & Sprout!)
Here is the link for the review: Farmer'sWife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full's page!
(FYI, as of May 1st Root & Sprout will be a daily publication!!!  Sweeeeeet!)
Thank ya! I have another review which I will post here for a beautiful book written by Karen Nowicki, a fellow TEAM Writer for . The book is Maddy Moonbeam's Garden! A story of love and acceptance. This one is also a GIVEAWAY!!! But, I'm saving it for next week. I'll probably let it run about two weeks also because I really want to bring attention to this fabulous little children's book. Tonight, I'll post this week's "Double" Give Away! Happy Tuesday! I *heart* ya all, y'all!



Lis Garrett said...

Your article about how to predator-proof your child will publish on May 1st! It's a must-read for any parent (and you did a great job writing it!).

Gary's third pottery blog said...

Every day??? Is Lis crazy? :)

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Thanks Lis! I'll review that children's book then and we can offer it as a GiveAway with the article!

I have it in the truck or else I'd give you the details on it already!

(Unless I offered something else to go with this article -- I forget to make notes sometimes!)

Gary Every day! I know right? But, actually it gives her the whole month to work on the articles and publications instead of having to cram all the work into a week or two for a one month publication!
