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Friday, May 22, 2009

20 Easy Ways To Help Save The Earth

I want to post this at Grow Together also, but I'm currently working from my children's school and '.ning' sites are blocked (social sites). Makes sense....elementary aged school kids don't need to be chatting in social sites; and it's a Christian school. Though, I wish they didn't have to block ALL the .ning sites just for the sake of blocking the one's that are not appropriate for children. Either way, I have internet! Sweet Febreeeeeze! Oh, but I CAN chat via AIM/G-Mail chat. :-D BACK ON TOPIC: 20 Easy Ways to Help Save The Earth This is a wonderful book I received to review. It was written by a Proffesional soccer player by the name of Amarildo Pedro Rita, who is currently the director of the developmental soccer program in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His wife, Susan Adam-Rita co-wrote the book with him. Susan is a licensed psychologist (in Brazil) and is currently studying to earn her Ph.D. in the counselor education program at Wayne State University. As the title states, the book lists 20 ways for children to help save the earth. But the neat part, is that this is a bilingual book. I love bilingual books. Living in South Texas I've come to learn some Spanish and I use it with my children and within my own home.  (Though, it's also nice to communicate with their Daddy without them understanding everything we are discussing) :-) This book is written in English and Spanish. Each page tells a way to help save the earth in English and is colorfully illustrated.  The page opposite to the English version is translated into Spanish and has an additional illustration to prove home the point.
Some of the 20 ways listed are simple, such as, "Turn off the water when you are not using it, brushing your teeth, shampooing the dog, washing your car......"
Others are slightly more complex such as, "Recycle your home garbage instead of throwing it away.  It will help our children have a better environment to live in."  
This is a great book to encourage children that they can help save the Earth too!  I only wish I would have had it in time for an Earth Day Giveaway. ;-)
"How can you help save the earth?" [?Que puedo hacer yo para salvar la tierra?]
You could start by reading this book!  :-)  As usual, I'm feeing generous and I like to share and spread the word about books and the importance of reading, so I am offering this book as a GiveAway! (did you have any doubt that I wouldn't?)
  • 1 entry)  Comment on a way your child/niece/nephew (or yourself if there are no children in your family) participate to help save our Earth. :-)
  • 1 entry) Tweet this giveaway and let me know you did/provide me with the tweet link.
  • 2 entries)  Grab my badge!
  • 3 entries)  Post about this giveaway and the book at your blog (be sure to comment back with a link so I can find it!)
  • 5 entries) Visit Root & Sprout and tell me something you like about one of the currently published articles. 
  • 1 additional entry) for each time you comment to the actual article at Root & Sprout [be sure to let me know you did!] This Giveaway closes on Friday, May 29th, 2009 at midnight! Winner will be selected by random drawing.



Prohomemaker.Com said...

Off topic, but waaah, your blogroll is gone! Your site was where I always began checking out your other readers' blogs. The badges are nice, but they don't tell me who has updated, what they talked about or anything. Waah, waah, waah.

Dez said...

I'm a firm believer in recycling. We usually have both bins full (and sometimes an extra bag)when it's time for the city to pick it up.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Around our place, it's all about the half-empty garbage can and multiple recycling bins every Wednesday morning.

This is a great subject and a great giveaway! Bilingual earns you extra points, too! Good job, FW!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

RIGHTO, I shall try to post on this later on in the weekend. :)
Didjs get your cow mug yet?

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Okay, it will be up at 9am Saturday Central Time!

I just commented on your agriculture post over at and I'll try to remember to check back when you book review goes up there, too!

Have a great weekend! Now I need to get to work on a newsletter. (I can't exactly ding folks for turning in their articles late if I don't get it done on time.)

Prohomemaker.Com said...

Blog roll is back!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm up to 9 or 10 entries...
Did the commenting, the blog post, the linky love, the R&S...
My blog hates badges. I don't know why, but it is impossible to make them show up correctly!
