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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


FINALLY, right? After my ramble last night. Gosh, sometimes I feel like I'm on speed. I get so wound up and I just can't slow myself/my brain down until I finally crash....
Thanks for puttin' up with my rambles like that.
SIDE NOTE: We lost Senator Kennedy today. We have lost a lot of Icons to 2009.... It makes me wonder....
Precipe -- the winner iiiiiiiiissssss? [Shake, shake go the entries in my ziploc shaker container]
AMANDA from Cool Mommy's "My Three Girls" blog! YAY! Thanks for entering, Gal!
Eye Buy Direct -- and, [shake, shake] the winner of the $100.00 value to Eye Buy Direct for new frames and lenses iiiiiiiissssssssss....[shake, shake] PROHomemaker! Yippeeee! Thanks for entering!
Simply Salads -- (Yesterday, I made the avacado/grapefruit salad. Shlurp, Yum!) The winner of this fabo salad book iiiiiiiiisssssss [Shake, shake, double shake] MELISSA from Frugal Creativity! YAY! Thanks for entering!
So, there are the winners for the giveaways I posted previously! I'm all caught up now. I have lots of other review and giveaway stuff -- but, I'm going to hold off on most of that until next week in order to get my system set up for the school week schedule, etc.
Happy Hump-Day! And, I'll be back to read y'all after I fold the laundry. After all, it's Happy Housewife Day.



Anonymous said...

This housewife has been bad... laundry is piling up because I have been sleeping the mornings away (something about not sleeping the nights away, *sigh*) and then I get behind on the washing machine to clothesline cycle.
Also, SOMEONE needs to get down and scrub the kitchen floor by hand. It needs it.

Anonymous said...

That someone, of course, is me...

Prohomemaker.Com said...

Yea!!!! Can't wait to get my glasses!! Now to get the prescription, and I will be ready. Thank you for offering such a great giveaway! I will be sure and post when I get 'em!!

Best thing that's happened all week!!

LOL and the security word is "optices" Ironic, huh?
